Refreshments and roads; coincidence?

Walking down a cobbled, wet and slippery street I waver; should I? Am I meant to? Vice. Such a strong word. Laying down a piece of ice, fidgeting with the coatbuttons (anymore), the person simply walks into the yellow, strobing light of the overhead lamp post. Long shadows meet, engulfing each other.


'You again.' the first shadow says, through clenched teeth.
'Me again.' the second shadow says, grinning.
'I thought I'd lost you months ago.'
'I thought I'd lost you as well.'
'Well, you haven't. Sadly.'
'I wish I could say I didn't miss you.'
'I wish I could say the same.'
They embrace eachother, their hands clasping. Hand in hand they walk down the cobbled, slippery street.

A man and his muse. It takes so little, yet it activates so, so much. One and the same; yet it takes one to know the other - or however the saying goes. The muse knows - I don't have to.

Thank you.



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